ExamSoft Procedures. What Is ExamSoft?
- Miss Ai
- 12 Jun, 2024
ExamSoft Procedures. What Is ExamSoft?
ExamSoft is a secure testing solution that is used for high-stakes exams. This software enables secure testing on student computers by blocking access to programs, files, and Internet usage during the test. ExamSoft is not dependent on an internet connection while testing, which allows it to be used almost anywhere a laptop can be used. The client (vendor) used for testing students is Examplify.
IT Assistance During Testing Sessions
IT assistance will be provided by the Exam Manager at the time of the test.
Students must bring to the exam:
Laptop with privacy screen attached.
Laptop’s power cord if needed
Pencil or pen to use on the scratch/exam comments paper. The scratch/exam comments paper will be provided.
On the day of the exam, it is important to follow key procedures to ensure your test remains secure.
All students must have their Gator One Card or picture ID. It must be placed on the desk with easy visualization of the proctors. Students are assigned to specific numbered stations at random. The seating chart will be posted before the exam. Students should quickly find their station and be seated. Proctors will be taking attendance after the exam has started and do not want to interrupt students during the exam. However, if the Gator One Card is not visible, the proctor can interrupt and request the card. All absences (whether excused or unexcused) will be noted and reported to the course director and other appropriate staff.
All students must turn off all electronic devices other than their laptops and remove all belongings from their testing area. Bandwidth is limited and students will need this to successfully upload their exams.
Students must put their personal effects in the designated areas. Backpacks must be stored on the shelves and not on the floor of the Testing Center, CG-28 and CG-23.
All pockets must be emptied prior to the exam and personal belongings such as wallets, smart watches, cellphones, etc must be stored in backpacks. This also applies to non-religious head coverings, sunglasses and ball caps. Hoodies may be worn but with the hood down on the shoulders.
The head proctor will open the room 10 minutes before the start of each session. A proctor must be present when students are in the facility.
Students must have privacy screens attached to their computers.
Scratch/review papers will be distributed at the start of the examination. Scratch sheets should remain in the testing center, and cannot be ripped, or removed. Complete your name on the sheet before turning it in. These sheets will be collected by the exam proctors only after the students have completed their examination review and will be submitted to the course director for analysis. Students MUST turn in their scratch paper before they can leave the examination.
Students will be given the password to the exam and start the exam at the direction of the proctor. No talking or other communication is allowed once a testing session begins. Devices that make noise, must be silenced or left outside the room.
Students should face their own screen at all times.
Each exam session has a prearranged duration. A computerized warning is given when 5 minutes remain.
Once an exam session begins, conversations are not allowed. All personnel should refrain from conversing with examiners. This includes clarification or interpretation of exam questions. Students should use the provided scratch paper to make notes of questions about the examination or errors in test questions and turn them in after completing the exam. The head proctor has the discretion to provide critical information to the class when necessary to ensure smooth exam administration.
In the event of a malfunction on an exam-taker’s computer that cannot be resolved quickly, an alternative format of the exam will be made available to the student.
When the exam is finished, students must raise their hands while staying in their seats and wait for a proctor to look at the green screen on their laptop before they are excused from the testing area.
Bathroom breaks will be not allowed during the examination. Once you are in the room, you will not be allowed to leave until you are done with the exam.
After the first student completes the exam and leaves the testing area, no other students will be admitted to the testing area.
Students are NOT allowed to re-enter the testing room once they leave. The proctor has the discretion to allow reentry on a case-by-case basis for personal emergencies or illness. If a student does leave prematurely, they should turn off their computer before leaving.
Late Arrivals
Under normal circumstances, there is NO provision to give extra time to students who arrive late. If a student has completed the exam and left the testing area, entry will not be permitted to late students. Extensions or alternate testing times are possible for special situations, contact the Head Proctor.
Hallway and Locker Room Noise
At times students will congregate outside the testing area. Those waiting outside the testing area should refrain from loud conversation and other disruptive behavior. Be courteous to those who may be taking exams.
From time to time a testing session is disrupted by unforeseen events such as fire alarms and power failures. When this occurs, students are to turn off their laptops. This stops the clock and locks their testing station until the exam can resume. The Head Proctor will provide the students with a resume code to restart the exam.
Post-Exam Review
Following exam completion, the Course Director can choose to allow 15 minutes for students to review the exam using the secure review feature in ExamSoft. This will allow students to compare their incorrect answers with the correct answers on each exam.
During the secure-review students will not be allowed to use any other electronic devices other than their laptops. Students may note questions about the examination or errors in test questions on the scratch / review paper provided and turn this in after completing the exam review. After completion of secure-review students will upload their answer files for the exam.
Honor Code
Examinees are bound by the University of Florida Honor Code summarized by the following statement:
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid during this examination.”
PDAs, iPods, smart watches, cell phones, and similar devices, including “databank” watches, etc. are not allowed at any time. Scientific calculators may be allowed at the discretion of the course director. Use of ANY other electronic devices during an exam will be considered cheating.
The exam staff uses an electronic system to track anomalies of all types, including suspected cheating and violations of the procedures outlined in this document. This information is periodically shared with the COD administration and corrective action will be taken as needed.
Releasing Final Grades
The final scores will be released by the course director after reviewing the exam’s item analysis, and posted within two weeks on ECO.
Make-up Exams
Students who are unable to attend class the day of the exam for reasons consistent with an excused absence must not download the exam file prior to the scheduled exam date. Students must schedule an exam make-up date with the course director and the Office of Education well in advance of the exam date. Office of Education will re-release the exam to the student on the day of the make-up for download and testing. Students who download the exam file prior to the exam day and then do not attend the exam due to illness or emergency must not attempt to access the exam. Students must contact the course director and the Office of Education to schedule a make-up examination. The Office of Education will release the exam to the student on the day of the make-up for download and testing.
Testing Accommodations in ExamSoft
It is the responsibility of students who require testing accommodations to inform faculty of their need for testing accommodations and to provide information to the Office of Education and the Associate Dean for Student and Multicultural Affairs regarding the nature of these accommodations. The Office of Education in consultation with the Course Director will arrange the dates and locations of these examinations.
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