
Examity Shares Data on Cheaters


Examity Shares Data on Cheaters
About 6 percent of students who took an online final exam proctored by Examity last fall broke the rules, the company said on Tuesday. That adds up to 3,952 out of the 62,534 exams the test-proctoring company reviewed. Most of the attempts to cheat came in the form of a cheat sheet (21 percent) or using Google to look up answers or translations (14 percent).
Examity also shared some more sophisticated attempts at circumventing the rules. One test taker apparently hid his or her mother under the desk, from where she fed the student answers, while in a second case, someone outside the test taker’s room communicated answers by coughing Morse code. Some test takers also attempted to get away with creative hiding spots for their cheat sheets, including in a baby’s bassinet and the back of one student’s throat (dislodged by a fake coughing fit).


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