
Online TEAS Course


Online TEAS Course

READING – 45 questions timed for 55 minutes
Key Ideas & Details (15 questions)
Summarize a multi-paragraph text
Make inferences and draw conclusions about a text’s purpose and meaning
Demonstrate comprehension of written directions
Locate specific information in a text
Analyze, interpret, and apply information from charts, graphs, and other visuals
Interpret events in a sequence
Craft & Structure (9 questions)
Distinguish between fact and opinion
Use context to interpret the meaning of words and phrases
Evaluate an author’s purpose in a given text
Evaluate an author’s point of view in a given text
Integration of Knowledge & Ideas (15 questions)
Use evidence from a text to make predictions and inferences and to draw conclusions
Compare and contrast the themes expressed in one or more texts
Evaluate an argument
Evaluate and integrate data from multiple sources across various formats
Pretest Questions (6 questions)
MATH – 38 questions timed for 57 minutes
Numbers & Algebra (18 questions)
Convert among non-negative fractions, decimals, and percentages
Perform arithmetic operations with rational numbers
Compare and order rational numbers
Solve equations with one variable
Solve real-world problems using one- or multi-step operations with real numbers
Solve real-world problems involving percentages
Apply estimation strategies and rounding rules to real-world problems
Solve real-world problems involving proportions
Solve real-world problems involving ratios and rates of change
Solve real-world situations using expressions, equations, and inequalities
Measurement & Data (16 questions)
Interpret relevant information from tables, charts, and graphs
Evaluate the information in data sets, tables, charts, and graphs using statistics
Explain the relationship between two variables
Calculate geometric quantities
Convert with and between standard and metric systems
Pretest Questions (6 questions)
SCIENCE – 50 questions timed for 60 minutes
Human Anatomy & Physiology (18 questions)
Demonstrate knowledge of the general orientation of human anatomy
Describe the anatomy and physiology of the following systems:
Respiratory system
Cardiovascular system
Digestive system
Nervous system
Muscular system
Male and female reproductive systems
Integumentary system
Endocrine system
Urinary system
Immune system
Skeletal system
Biology (9 questions)
Describe cell structure, function, and organization
Describe the relationship between genetic material and the structure of proteins
Apply concepts underlying Mendel’s laws of inheritance
Describe the structure and function of the basic macromolecules in a biological system
Describe the role of microorganisms in disease
Chemistry (8 questions)
Recognize basic atomic structure
Know the physical properties and changes of matter
Describe chemical reactions
Demonstrate how conditions affect chemical reactions
Understand properties of solutions
Describe concepts of acids and bases
Scientific Reasoning (9 questions)
Use basic scientific measurements and tools
Apply logic and evidence to a scientific explanation
Predict relationships among events, objects, and processes
Apply the scientific method to interpret a scientific investigation
Pretest Questions (6 questions)
ENGLISH & LANGUAGE USAGE – 37 questions timed for 37 minutes
Conventions of Standard English (12 questions)
Use conventions of standard English spelling
Use conventions of standard English pronunciation
Use correct sentence structures
Knowledge of Language (11 questions)
Use grammar to enhance clarity in writing
Evaluate if language meets the needs of a particular audience
Develop a well-organized paragraph
Using Language and Vocabulary to Express Ideas in Writing
Apply basic knowledge of the elements of the writing process to communicate effectively
Determine the meaning of words by analyzing word parts
Pretest Questions (4 questions)


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