
What Is On The Next Gen NCLEX Exam?


What Is On The Next Gen NCLEX Exam?
Now that you know what the NCLEX is, it’s important to know what’s on it. The NGN tests a range of skills, abilities, knowledge, and competencies necessary for nurses to safely and effectively care for patients.

Types Of Questions
You’ll mainly see questions on the Next Gen NCLEX that test your thought process, critical skills, and knowledge of specific aspects of healthcare. Many questions on the NGN will be scenario-based.
For instance, you may be asked to:
Interpret health information
Diagnose a patient
Identify which safety procedures are required in common nursing situations
Properly assess a patient with a certain illness or symptoms
Address patient conflicts
See below for examples of NGN exam questions.

Categories On The Next Generation NCLEX
There are four major client care categories on the exam.
1. Safe And Effective Care Environment
The NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN differ the most in this category of content. The NCLEX-RN tests on management of care.
Management of care is a nurse’s ability to provide direct care that enhances the healthcare delivery setting to protect the patient and personnel. After all, as a nurse, you’ll be expected to create a safe space for all of your patients.
Instead of management of care, the NCLEX-PN tests on coordinated care, which focuses on how the LPN collaborates with other healthcare members to facilitate effective patient care.
Both exams also test on safety and infection control. This includes knowledge such as how to prevent accidents and injury, how to apply infection controls, and how to practice safety in healthcare settings.
2. Health Promotion And Maintenance
This section of the exam tests nurses’ knowledge of expected growth and development and how to appropriately integrate this into client care. It also tests on prevention and early detection of health problems and strategies to achieve optimal health.
3. Psychological Illness
Nurses aren’t only responsible for patching up cuts and bruises! They must also care for and advocate for their patients’ mental health.
As such, the NCLEX tests a nurse’s ability to promote and support the emotional, mental, and social well-being of their patients. It will also test the correct ways to treat acute or chronic mental illnesses.
4. Physiological Integrity
You’ll be tested on your ability to provide patients with care and comfort, reduce client risk potential, and manage health alterations. In this section, you’ll be expected not only to know how to care for living patients but also those who have passed away. You will be asked about correct postmortem care.
You’ll also be tested on your knowledge of pharmacological and parenteral therapies. Expect to be asked how to administer certain medications, how much to administer, and the potential adverse reactions to medicine.


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