
Test-taking tips when answering select all that apply questions:


Test-taking tips when answering select all that apply questions:
Get to know as much nursing content as possible: Do your homework and build up your nursing knowledge and note that there are no shortcuts in preparing for SATA questions.
Expect SATA questions: You will encounter several questions using the multiple-response format on your NCLEX. Anticipate that this will happen to help you minimize your anxiety as these questions in SATA format show up.
Take SATA positively: Select all that apply questions that reflect the quantity and quality of your nursing knowledge. These questions are added to the NCLEX test bank because, in one item, it can evaluate how well the candidate is knowledgeable about the topic: In NCLEX’s computer adaptive testing, if a difficult question shows up (like SATA), it means your higher level of cognitive ability is being tested and you’re on the right track.
Completely understand what the question is asking: Just like with any other questions in the NCLEX, carefully understand what the question is asking first. Train yourself to actually spend more time looking and processing the question than looking over the options or choices. A mindset like this will help you have a clear goal in mind before you proceed with comparing each option against your goal.

Here’s the secret, SATA questions are a form of “true or false” questions! Therefore, you proceed to answer each option by responding with either a “yes” or a “no”, or if it “applies” or “does not apply” to what the question is asking. Go down the list of options one by one and ask yourself if it applies to what the question is asking, then look at the next choices and do the same thing.
Don’t group or associate choices: Treat each choice or option as a possible answer separate from other choices. Don’t group or link the choices to one another and should not be answered as a group.
Pay attention to the wording of the options: Watch out for absolutes or extremes (e.g., at all times, all the time, complete restriction) as these are probably wrong choices. If you cannot recall the information or if it doesn’t make sense, it’s probably wrong.
Don’t overthink and move on: After you’ve chosen your answers by following step #5, do not go back and change your answer. Most SATA questions are not on the application or analysis level so it usually doesn’t need you to factor in anything and modify your response.
Do not change your answer unless there is something really obvious that you have overlooked or if you did not follow the steps. Also, if you feel you’re wasting time on one question, move on and do not let it ruin your momentum.
Minimum of two correct answers: According to the NCSBN site, there will always be more than one correct answer so a “minimum of two correct options.” It’s also rare to have all choices correct but it can technically happen. NCSBN requires the candidate to utilize their comprehensive knowledge to determine the appropriate amount of applicable maximum correct answers to each item.
Practice: To widen your nursing knowledge and help you remove the anxiety in answering select all that apply questions, you need to get your hands dirty and try out our SATA NCLEX practice questions above.


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