Is It Possible To Cheat On The GRE At Home?

- Miss Ai
- 14 Jun, 2024
Is It Possible To Cheat On The GRE At Home?
Looking for a proven and simplified method to pass ProctorU exams? Hire Zeropreps services today.
What is ‘GRE at home?
GRE at home was an initiative adopted by ETS in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to allow students the opportunity to take the GRE at home. It is similar to the one taken at test centers worldwide. GRE at home is administered via computer and webcam to allow for live monitoring. With this setup, students could take the GRE in a secure and proctored environment while adhering to the then social distancing guidelines. Overall, this initiative provided a convenient and safe option for students to take the test during the pandemic.
What is the process of taking the GRE at home and how does it work?
It is administered with the use of a human proctor and software installed in advance called ProctorU. ProctorU is a software that uses AI to alert the system when you open the browser or other 3rd party apps during the test.
At the outset, the human proctor requests a tour of the room you set to take the exam, with particular emphasis on the workstation which is usually a table.
Secondly, you should be alone in the room, no one else is allowed. You should also have appropriate clothes and your eyes and ears should be visible and uncovered.
Thirdly, you can only use a whiteboard or transparent sheet protector with an erasable marker. Paper notes are not allowed.
Fourthly, you have to have a speaker with exemptions to headphones and earphones and either an internal or external microphone.
How Can You Cheat Online Proctored Exams Like the GRE at Home?
Position the camera in a way that the entrance door is not visible.
After the initial room tour, a helper could enter and hide in the washroom or closet if the entrance door doesn’t need to be in sight. For example, if the proctor doesn’t require that the entrance door remains in view during the test, it would be possible for someone to enter the room undetected. However, it’s important to note that proctors are trained to keep an eye on any suspicious activity.
It's important to note that a single camera may not provide complete coverage of the test-taking environment. If someone can enter the room undetected and stay out of view of the camera, they may be able to take photos of the test-taker’s screen without being noticed. However, it’s crucial to understand the camera’s coverage area ahead of time to prevent any mistakes.
In addition, installing an external webcam with a limited field of view could enable a test-taker to show only their face. This means that the test-taker could intentionally show their face only during the test, making it difficult for proctors to detect any unauthorized activity
The helper could then forward answers on a piece of paper given to the test-taker. This could be done in a variety of ways, such as placing the paper on the table within the test-taker’s peripheral view.
Bypassing Or Rather Cheating a ProctorU Exam using an HDMI splitter and HDMI cable.
An improved method of not having the helper in the same room to cheat on proctoru is using an HDMI splitter, which can be plugged into one of the HDMI ports on the test-taker computer. After connecting the primary display to one of the splitter’s female ports, the secondary display can be connected to the other port on the splitter. This will create a mirror image of the entire GRE test on another screen that is placed outside of the test-takers room. Depending on how far the computer is from the room entrance, HDMI cables that are up to 50 feet in length can be used, although shorter cables may suffice. The helper figures out the answers, writes on a piece of paper, and slips it to the test-taker’s table and it's done.
In Conclusion
Undoubtedly, it is possible to cheat online proctored exams. However, the outlined methods of cheating involve the helper figuring out the answers to the test and then writing them down on a piece of paper, which they then slip to the test-takers table. This can be done easily and quickly without the need for any sophisticated technology. However, it requires a high level of trust between the test-taker and the helper, and it is still risky as they could be caught if the proctor becomes suspicious of their behavior. Therefore, these are not reliable or foolproof methods of cheating on the GRE test.
So, the burning question remains, Is there a better solution to cheat on the GRE at Home Edition exams? Yes, there are better ways to navigate this situation. Contact us today to learn more about our unique and discreet solution to pass the GRE at-home exams. We’re here to help and look forward to hearing from you!
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