
What is the ATI TEAS?: Everything You Need To Know About The ATI TEAS Exam.


What is the ATI TEAS?:  Everything You Need To Know About The ATI TEAS Exam.
 The ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) is designed to specifically assess a student’s preparedness to enter the health science field. Most likely, you’ve been asked to take the TEAS as part of your basic admissions requirements for your nursing or allied health program. That’s because studies show a consistent link between a student’s performance on the TEAS and future academic success.
The ATI TEAS exam Is comprised of 170 questions, 20 of which are un-scored pretest items. Questions are designed to test the basic academic skills you will need to perform in class in the areas of Reading, Math, Science, and English and Language Usage.

How to register for TEAS in person at PSI:
Have you been instructed by the school in which you’re applying to register for the TEAS Exam at PSI? Let’s get started.
Let’s get started.
For a complete step-by-step registration guide with visuals, download this document.
Step 1: Check the PSI testing schedule to make sure there is an exam date, location, and time available that fits your schedule. You will choose Certification/Professional Associations as the organization and then ATI TEAS as the sponsor’s name in this search. All TEAS exam purchases are final, so be sure there is an exam location, date, and time available to you before your exam purchase.
Step 2: Visit www.atitesting.com/teas/register and select the REGISTER NOW button.
Step 2: You will be prompted to choose how you would like to take your proctored exam
– In-Person or Online. Choose In-Person.
Step 3: Once you are directed to the new window, select the appropriate program type and location.
Next, select the session date and time that works best for your schedule and continue to the Product Details page.
Step 4: Fill out the search criteria by selecting a location, and then adding the city and state of the desired PSI testing site. Click SEARCH.
*NOTE: PSI testing locations will not populate with this search. You will be taken to the next page where you may select TEAS at PSI to pay for your TEAS exam. Payment for your TEAS at PSI exam will permit you to register for a location, date, and time through PSI. Please follow the remaining steps below. For a complete list of PSI testing centers visit the PSI Testing Centers webpage.
Step 5: When the results populate, find the TEAS at the PSI Test Center link at the bottom of the page. Click SELECT.
Step 6: Follow the prompts to pay for your TEAS exam at PSI. You will receive one free ATI TEAS Transcript Credit with your registration. You may select the institution in which to send your transcript following the completion of your ATI TEAS exam. To send your transcript after your TEAS exam, you will need to log into your student account and select SEND TRANSCRIPT under TEAS Activity or you may send your transcript via the MY RESULTS tab below your TEAS results.
Step 7: You will receive a confirmation of payment from ATI that will have an ID# that you will need in order to register for the actual exam at PSI. Keep this confirmation of payment in your files. You will need this ID# when you register for your exam through PSI.
Step 8: Within 24 hours, you will be sent an email from PSI that will give you a link to schedule your ATI TEAS Exam.


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