
Proctored exam rules and requirements: Computer and browser requirements


Proctored exam rules and requirements: Computer and browser requirements

Note: You are responsible for making sure that the proctoring software works with your system before you take a proctored exam.

Learner rules
If you violate the online proctoring rules and receive an Unsatisfactory status, you automatically receive a score of 0 for the exam and may lose any certificate you earned.
The following proctored exam rules are the basic rules for “closed book” exams. Please check your course for any exceptional rules, such as allowing a calculator or note paper. Any additional rules will be visible along with the exam instructions before you start the exam.

Test environment rules
Please review Guide: Get Ready for a Proctored Exam for rules about your testing environment.
The computer you use to take the test
The computer you are using to take the exam must not have more than one display or monitor. For example, if you usually use a laptop with a monitor connected, disconnect your monitor and use only the laptop screen.
You must close all other programs or windows on your testing computer before you begin the exam.
You must not use the following tools:
Programs such as Excel, Word, or PowerPoint
Communication programs such as Skype
Any website page other than the exam window in your course, including other content on edX.org
Your behavior
You must verify your identity using a photo ID that has your name and photo on the same side. The name must match the full name you use in your edx.org account. You can change your name in your edX account.
You must dress as though you were in a public setting.
You must not communicate with any other person by any means.
You must not use a phone for any reason.
You must not leave the room during the exam for any reason.
Additional time or special allowances
If you have a disability and need additional time or specific accommodations to take the exam, consult your organization’s disability resources or the course team before you make any choices on the exam page. The course team must approve your request and make any adjustments before you start your exam.
Consequences of Rule Violations
If you have questions about your proctoring exam status, click the Help button at the bottom right of this page to contact edX Support, or consult your course team.


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