
Proctored Exams: FAQs


Proctored Exams: FAQs
What are proctored exams?
A proctored exam is one that is overseen by an impartial individual, called a proctor, who monitors or supervises a student while he or she is taking an exam. The proctor ensures the security and integrity of the exam process. Most proctors charge a fee.

What are the proctoring options?
Your syllabus will indicate exam requirements and acceptable proctoring options.

There are two types of proctoring:
Virtual proctoring, exams that are supervised by a trusted virtual proctoring service
On-site proctoring, exams that are supervised by an on-site proctor
Students should check their course syllabus at the start of each semester to find out if the course has proctored exams, and if so, what type of proctor can be used. One proctoring option may be required, or students may be able to choose a proctoring option that works best for them.

How do I get started?
You’ll find all the information you need on the Global Campus Proctoring Services website. Visit For Students to get started.


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