
Can Online Tests Detect Cheating?


Can Online Tests Detect Cheating?
The short answer is yes. With the right procedures in place, any online exam can detect cheating. Authentication measures, web monitoring, data forensics, and proctoring (just to name a few) all make it hard for test takers to get away with ever cheating on your test.

The Facts About Cheating on Online Tests
If you’re a testing program, it’s likely you already know (and bemoan the fact) that cheating on tests is a very real problem.
(Just Google it and you will find thousands of videos, websites, blogs, and forums discussing ways to cheat).

Let’s start with a few facts about cheating on online tests:
While online testing makes some types of cheating easier, it is not inherently riskier than in-person testing. Anyone who tells you that administering exams in person is more secure is selling you something.
On the flip side, online testing is not inherently more secure than in-person testing. Anyone who tells you that administering exams online is more secure is also selling you something.
In summary, security is a problem no matter what method you use to administer your exams. This includes online testing.

Now onto the good news…
While it is possible to cheat on online tests, there are ways to stop it. You do not need to accept cheating as a fact of life.
The same way a bank installs security features to stop people from breaking into your accounts and catch them if they do, you can prevent and detect cheating on your online exams before it has the chance of undermining your program.
What Types of Online Cheating Should You Be Worried About?
There are myriad creative and devious ways that people cheat on online tests.
It would be impossible to write them all down (as I’m sure some diabolical human is thinking up a new scheme even as I write this sentence).
I also don’t want to give anyone any ideas. (“Why hadn’t I thought of that?! Let’s give that a try!”)


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